it's been such a long time that we neglect this blog :-(
well, we actually (this' febi's saying) wanted to share this very happy news right away but we just have to wait till it's "time"
and now I guess the time has come...
I'm now 4 months pregnant ;-)
we've been wanting to have babies as soon as we get married but guess we had to wait for 10 months till God bless our prayers.
I've been putting some notes about the pregnancy's weekly development so far... I'll try to update it here later some time...
hope all goes well with the baby and the pregnancy all the way ;-)
we, who are so excited,
Alhamdulillah wa syukurillah,
kami berdua akhirnya bisa beribadah di bulan suci Ramadhan kali ini berdua, with a "married" status... in our own house... cieh cieeeeeh... seneng deh pokoknya ;-)
tadi malem, pulang ngantor mampir dulu di carrefour, belanja beberapa keperluan buat sahur, trus lanjut tarawih di "musholla darurat" di taman komplek. yang dateng lumayan bikin tenda penuh... seneng juga kenalan dan ketemu sama ibu2 komplek [beberapa udah kenalan waktu 17-an]
tadi pagi kita sahur bersama...
pasang weker jam 2.30 [I wasn't confident that I could finish cooking by 4 am hehehe...],
bangun jam 2.40 [still, u know, any bells couldn't wake me up instantly as it rangs]
chop this, chop that... akhirnya jam 3.45 jadilah asem-asem buncis-daging [which was supposed to be an 'easy and less time taking' kinda cooking] yang menurut masandi enak dan bisa jadi "masakan andalan febi" selain udang sereh yang masandi doyan bgt ;-)
seneng banget rasanya meski kurang tidur [now I realize even more what a super-mom my mom has been... my real idol].
masandi sempet bilang "hmmm, jam 4 gini, waktu di semarang dulu, waktunya ke kos febi ngambil nasi goreng"... hahahaha...
begitulah. waktu masi di semarang, kalo ramadhan aku suka masakin nasi goreng buat masandi sahur [ssst, sampe ada 'tragedi' ditegor bapak kos hahaha]
sayang banget hari ini si 'tamu' dateng lagi *hiks*... why should it come on the first day of ramadhan huhuhuhu
tadi juga sempet tanya2 beberapa RS dan klinik yang bisa tes HSG... though I'm not sure whether or not I should take the test
udah gitu kemaren kan ada gempa di Bengkulu, Padang, Jambi tuh... jadilah hari ini banyak kerjaan... semoga mereka yang tertimpa musibah senantiasa diberi ketabahan... aamiin
yang bakal pulang telat... ga bisa nemenin masandi buka puasa deh ;-((
initially we wanted to invite my friends as well... but since the house is quite a 'petit' (not to forget the many close friends I have hehehe), we decided to invite masandi's friends first... later, Insya Allah, we plan to have another house warming and invite my friends (hopefully it won't be an "out-dated" event hehehe).
there are also reasons why we invited masandi's high school friends.
first was because we wanted to get to know Dwi's newly bride-Melly. they're among the many who got married on 07-07-07 (actually we could meet her on their ngunduh mantu-celebration end of this week, but then why wait? hehehe).
second of all, Tatang and Devy are in town (they're now living and working in Qatar)... last time we met them was on our wedding. they'll fly back to Doha end of the month... and it's not like we could meet them any time.
as for Denny, though he doesn't have any event to celebrate, nor living outside the country (nor outside jakarta), we barely meet him...
so, since the 4 buddies were in town, why not gather them... too bad, two other friends, Agen and Ola, couldn't come.
I didn't plan to cook anything... instead, we wanted to buy some ready made food. in fact, since the invitation was at 4 pm, we planned to serve snacks like pizza or mpek-mpek (how different!!! hehehe).
but the night before, I called my mom and told her about the plan... she only said "but you don't have the plates or any dishes to serve the food... we'll come by tomorrow and bring some plates"
there you go... saturday morning my folks came and brought some dishware (glad that my mom's a collector... I don't have to spend money for those stuff... hehehe).
just as we were planning what food to buy, the grocery-guy (I couldn't find the right phrase for tukang sayur-a person who rove around the neighborhood selling groceries) pass our house.
my mom, driven by the impulse as a 'cook', rushed outside as she said "hmmm, I think you need to have at least some cucumber to serve the food".
not long after, she came back inside and said with a smile "why don't I cook for your guests instead? it won't take long... besides, you'll save some money"
me and masandi looked at each other, smiled as we both perfectly were aware of my mom's passion in cooking, and agreed to her idea... at least we won't only save some money, but also made mama happy that she could cook hehehe...
while mama did the cooking, masandi and I went to buy some mpek-mpek (I did help her a bit in chopping, but she's better off doing the cooking herself *the lazy febi's talking* :-p ).
Tatang and Devy were the first to came, around 3.30 pm.
Dwi and Melly around half an hour later.
Denny came last, right after attending his friend's wedding.
all in all, the gathering was fun (especially for the guys, I bet... they were joking and laughing and teasing...)
me and the ladies shared stories... how Melly first knew Dwi, how's life in Doha, how me and masandi 'strive' during our times apart... things like that...
it's nice to know the ladies (though Melly's a lot younger than me and Devy)... hope we could be as good friends as our husbands are ;-)
ps. the pic above was taken in front of the house.
kita berdua tuh jarang dateng 'kondangan' berdua secara kita seringnya jauhan pas ada undangan nikah
tapi giliran bisa dateng bareng, seringnya tuh kok ya adaaaa aja yang 'ga biasa'...
waktu kawinan ntri dan kawinan mas faisal, 2-2nya acara walimahan yang akhwat-ikhwan-nya dipisah2 gitu... buntut2nya kita malah telpon2an di gedung... "disitu ada makanan apa aja?" ... "wah, ada somay ya? disini udah abis"... hahahaha
waktu kawinan lira agak2 nyasar... padahal di kota legenda yang notabene bukan gang kecil yang susah dicari hehehe (tapi akhirnya kita malah jadi jalan2 liat rumah2 bagus hihihihi)
trus tadi malem kawinan ambar kita jadi tamu terakhir qeqeqeqeqeq... kita dateng paaaaas bgt poto2 keluarga (yakin deh, di gedung udah ga ada lagi tamu selain keluarga hehehe)... untungnya masi dapet makanan ;-)
spesial deh buat ambar-tuti... congrats ya... welcome to the new world ahead of you ;-)
Alhamdulillah, we've finally moved to our new house exactly on our 8 month's wedding anniversary, July 11, 2007.
we've planned the day a few weeks ago, when masandi was still in Ahwaz.
some plans had to be changed so we could officially move in on that day, though some parts of the house are still being renovated...
for the day, I had to take two days off hehehe
Insya Allah this new phase of our life will bring more barokah... aamiin
(who are enjoying living in the new crib :-p)
kemaren ceritanya jemput si abang/sang akang/maskuw ke airpoirt...
cabut dari kantor jam 4.30 (sebelum waktunya hehehe), menuju gambir. tadinya mo naek ojek tapi setelah mikir2, gambir kan ga jauh, naek taksi paling abis 15 ribu... sementara klo naek jengki suka ga tega cuma ngasi 10rb... jadinya kan ga beda jauh tuh ama naek taksi (yg TL tapinya ya)...
pilihan pun akhirnya jatuh pada si putih express.
yah, biar dikata taksi lebi nyaman, dingin, ga perlu takut jatoh kayak tempo hari, teteeeepppp ada juga kekurangan naek taksi (selain lebih mahal dari jengki tentunyah), yaitu... ga bisa nyelip2 ala jengki, dan pastinya kena macet huhuhuhu
yasudlah, pasrah.
sampe di gambir, sang bis bandara baru aja meluncur. sebenernya masi bisa dikejar sih, dengan sedikit berlari. tapi, karena dirikuw sedang hasrat2nya (pengen pips, maksute), yasud, ngga jadi deh mengejar2 bis kota ;-p
ga lama kemudian makuw sms "Alhamdulillah udah landing, pesawat lagi parkir".
sempet kaget juga... heeee, kok udah nyalain telpon padahal blom keluar pesawat??? ga dapet info apa klo nyalain hape di psawat bisa gawat...
"tapi ini udah parkir, lagi nunggu belalainya terpasang di pesawat"
"tapi kan bisa ganggu navigasi pesawat" *parno*
"navigasi apaan? ini udah parkir. udah ga pake navigasi lagi kaleee"
"kan belalainya belom terpasang... mungkin aja ganggu navigasi si belalai" *parno ga ketulungan*
akhirnya bis-band (bis bandara, makudnya :p) berangkat... kira2 jam 5.30 pm
jam 6.00 pm baru lewat perempatan pasar baru *meringis*
biar ngga sebel gara2 macet, coba2 baca materi yang tadi didonlod.
ngga ngaruh.
hiiiiiiii sebel banget ama macetnya jakarta.
jam 6.15 pm masuk tol di kemayoran.
jam 6.30 pm masi di tol. "mas, kayaknya bentar lagi nyampe nih... paling telat nyampe jam 7 deh. ini agak merayap di tol"
jam 6.45 pm masuk tol bandara. macet cet cet
jam 7.00 pm masi di tol. ampyuuuunnn deh macetnyaaaa.
jam 7.20 pm akhirnya kuw sampai juga di terminal 2D
si kaos putih udah nunggu. berdiri (capek duduk katanya).
beliau berubah ijo? hihihi... udah mulai sih... abis, nunggu 1.5 jam... ini niat jemput ga siii heheheh
maap ya schatje... salahkan pada macetnya jakarta heheheh :-p
~febi yang gi seneng bgt masnya pul pul :p~
another year passes... today's exactly our 6th year anniversary ;-)
exactly 6 years ago, 11 June 2001 (also a monday), we sat on the bench of Baiturrahman in Simpang Lima-Semarang. that moment, right after Maghrib, we set our pray that we want to start a serious relationship, hoping that we can make things right for both of us...
our last visit to Semarang, we also sat on one of the benches in Baiturrahman. too bad, it wasn't the exact spot as people were already sitting on it hehehe... a really nice moment to remember ;-) *nostalgic moment-mode on* :-p
again, like many of our past anniversaries, we also have to be apart *hiks* (not apart in mind, for sure :p)... but we'll make it through, Insya Allah ;-)