3 weeks and 1 day to go

... hari terakhir ngantor sebelum lebaran nih.

persiapan terakhir? ga tau dan ga banyak tau *udah ga gitu semangat*
the last few days my parents were busy sending invitations to friends and relatives outside jakarta... they've been busy going to the post office and TIKI (they concluded that TIKI is far better, and cheaper also)
then my sister lani, still busy with the invitation list (my parents keep eliminating some names but then adding more!!!)
I'm not really doing much in helping them (so glad I have my helpful family to rely on).

all I did the last few days were meeting till break-fasting at the office, have a break-fasting with mira yesterday (though we both were not fasting)... and today is time for break-fasting with friends from high school.

last night I came home quite late and my mom were already busy calling me and when I arrived home she said "calon penganten jangan terlalu sering pergi2, apalagi sampe malem gini"

next week will be a busy week, I suppose...
lots of preparations still needs extra attention

maaf lahir batin semua... minal aidin wal faidzin, taqaballahu minna wa minkum




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