The truth

Ok, you can say whatever you want, but to me, I never ever felt of loosing you, not then and surely not now.

Meeting Febi is really amazing. I was blessed that I found a pure diamond. Febi is amazing for all the beauty she has, in and out. I've became a person like now, because of her. I really thank her for her patience and understanding. She always stands beside me, for all my ups and downs.

The truth is, my loss would be if I couldn't marry Febi.

*This is to clarify a posting by someone

Semarang is - for us - a memorable city.
It was where we knew each other, shared stories together, experience the first two years of our time together :">

when we planned our honeymoon, we wanted it to be in Semarang... but then we decided to find a more 'romantic' place such as kampung sampireun hehehe ;-)

after being 'apart' for 10 weeks, we wanted to have another honeymoon (well, we actually hoped our marriage life all the way is a honeymoon heheheh)... and so we decided to have the long weekend in that capital of central java.

we stayed at a hotel nearby our campus in Tembalang... my parents used to stay there when visiting me back then during my study at undip.

Semarang, particularly Tembalang, has changed quite alot. last time I visited Semarang was 3 years ago before leaving to Holland... and even then it didn't changed that much like today...
there are now more places to eat (starting from "soup buah" hopper (quite alot along the ngesrep-kampus road) to cafés and fancy restaurants), more mini-markets (almost every 100 meters you'll find either an alfa-market or indomart or merely a self-owned 'warung')... and of course the new 'Undip Gate' right before the polytechnic campus.

We stroll along places that brings along memories, ate at places we used to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner together... what a nice way to retrace the nice memories we had back then ;-)

at the end of the trip, we thank God for letting us have such nice memories of semarang, all the ups and downs, the good and the bad, the joy and the tears... and so thankful for having each other to share all those things...

~febi & andi~

today's our 6 months wedding anniversary ;-)

for us, every day-11 is very special...
we have this habit to 'celebrate' day-11 of every month since july 11, 2001 which is our "commemoration day" ;-)
so if the day 11 is a monday, then we'll say "happy monday"... or if it's a friday like today, we say "happy friday"... and so on

it's not to celebrate... merely to be thankful of the love we have for each other... how we cherish each and every second we're together *how sweet, huh :p*

so, today's our 5 years and 11 months anniv. (next month will be our 6 year anniv. *wow*)... and it's also our 6 months' anniversary

though we've been married for six months already, we've been "physically together" for only around 3 months *sigh*

he's coming home soon...
4 more days... hardly wait *yipiiiii*

~febi~ whose missing her masandi so badly


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