happy friday - 6 months anniv.

today's our 6 months wedding anniversary ;-)

for us, every day-11 is very special...
we have this habit to 'celebrate' day-11 of every month since july 11, 2001 which is our "commemoration day" ;-)
so if the day 11 is a monday, then we'll say "happy monday"... or if it's a friday like today, we say "happy friday"... and so on

it's not to celebrate... merely to be thankful of the love we have for each other... how we cherish each and every second we're together *how sweet, huh :p*

so, today's our 5 years and 11 months anniv. (next month will be our 6 year anniv. *wow*)... and it's also our 6 months' anniversary

though we've been married for six months already, we've been "physically together" for only around 3 months *sigh*

he's coming home soon...
4 more days... hardly wait *yipiiiii*

~febi~ whose missing her masandi so badly



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