his first snow

-by febi-

He just rang me. Enthusiastically he said “I just want to let you know that it’s snowing right now”. Happy, yet envy (mostly because I badly want to be by his side, touch the snow and touch him at the same time), I asked how it is, and how he felt of it… and whether he’d touched the snow or not. He’s still in the room, widely open his window. Funny, he said, that snow fall is not like rain. Not like rain? Yep, snow falls not as “fast” as rain... hahahaha... I can imagine his amazed eyes and the smile on his lips to finally feel the snow.
He said the snow was not yet plenty and hoped more will come.
Just as we were about to end our short chat (due to the expensive roamings, we have to limit our calls *hiks*), he nearly shouted "wow, the snow's getting heavier... and the flakes are now bigger!!!".
he really couldn't hide his excitement and and again I can image the image of him with his astonished eyes.

it was his first snow, and he loves it as I love hearing his excitement.
at the end of our call,
we hoped that one day we can both stand on the snow, feel the snow...
~missing him~



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