happy monday - 6 year anniv.

another year passes... today's exactly our 6th year anniversary ;-)

exactly 6 years ago, 11 June 2001 (also a monday), we sat on the bench of Baiturrahman in Simpang Lima-Semarang. that moment, right after Maghrib, we set our pray that we want to start a serious relationship, hoping that we can make things right for both of us...

our last visit to Semarang, we also sat on one of the benches in Baiturrahman. too bad, it wasn't the exact spot as people were already sitting on it hehehe... a really nice moment to remember ;-) *nostalgic moment-mode on* :-p

again, like many of our past anniversaries, we also have to be apart *hiks* (not apart in mind, for sure :p)... but we'll make it through, Insya Allah ;-)



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